Herbs, climbers, shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, without stipules, simple, entire or lobed, compound in some species. Inflorescences axillary cymes, racemes or panicles. Flowers small and inconspicuous to large and showy, with bracts, almost regular, bisexual. Sepals 4-5, overlapping, free or connate at the base. Corolla united, tubular, usually widening at the top resulting in funnel or bell, the top with 5 lobes or almost entire. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla tube, alternate with the lobes. Filaments often unequal, anther linear, oblong, globose or biglobose, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior, entire or 2-4 lobed, usually 2-4 locular, commonly with a ring or cup-shaped nectary disk around the base, each locule with 2 or 4 ovules. Styles filiform, simple or bifid or 2 separate ones with 1-4 variously shaped or branched stigmas. Fruit often a capsule, 1-4 locular, dehiscent by valves transversely or irregularly, or indehiscent or utricle. Seeds 1-4 (rarely more), glabrous or pubescent
This family represented by about 50 genera and 1500 species. Cosmopolitan in distribution, but mainly in tropical and subtropical regions