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Saudi Arabia flora checklist
Ceropegia aristolochioides Decne.
Family: ApocynaceaeGenus: Ceropegia
Ceropegia aristolochioides Decne. , Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 2, 9: 263 (1838). Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Asclepiadaceae.
Stem and Leaves succulent climbers to 3 m; Root: fibrous; stems terete, robust, 3 - 6 mm, glaucous- green, slightly verrucose; Leaves petiolate, cordate to ovate-lanceolate, 1 - 4 × 0.5 - 2.5 cm, weakly succulent, acute, partly apiculate; Inflorescence multiflowered, drepanoid, usually with a single Flower open at a time; peduncle fleshy, 1 - 10 cm; Pedicel 5 – 15 mm; Sepals subulate, 2 - 5 mm; Corolla 2.5 - 4.5 cm, outside glabrous, rarely pubescent, either uniformly yellowish or with red-brown dots or blotches on whitish-green background or uniformly red-brown; Corolla lobes often green-yellow; Corolla inflation 7 - 10 × 6 - 9 mm, globose to ovoid, basally weakly compressed, inside red-purple with red-purple Hairs at least on the upper margin, merging gradually into the Corolla tube, tube 3 - 5 mm in the middle, then widening gradually to ≤ 1 cm, inside greenish with redbrown stripes or uniformly red-brown, hairy, Hairs fine, red-purple; Corolla lobes greenish-yellow with red-brown reticulate markings, broadly lanceolate to narrowly linear, 5 - 11 mm, tips connivent, usually obtuse, lamina folded back, with few short simple Hairs on apex and keel; Corona broadly bowlshaped, 4 - 5 mm, sessile; interstaminal corona lobes whitishpellucid to green-yellow, margins and appendages with purple Hairs, triangular-ovate, concave, apically bifid into 2 spreading obtuse to acute appendages; staminal corona yellowish, 2 - 3 mm, linear, erect-connivent; Pollinia D-shaped, 0.35 × 0.25 mm, germination crests triangular, membranous, corpuscle 0.35 mm, basally with triangular processes.