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Saudi Arabia flora checklist
Family: Apocynaceae
Rhazya Decne. in Ann. Soc. Nat. Ser. 2(4):80. 1835. DC., Prodr. 8:385. 1844; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 2.703; 1876; Boiss., Fl. Or. 2:46. 1879; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 3:639. 1882;
Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. 2:880; 1902. Flora of Pakistan.
Shrubs or sub shrubs, mostly glabrous. Leaves alternate, usually coriaceous with obscure nerves. Inflorescence dense of terminal or axillary cyme with small white flowers. Calyx 5-partite, usually without glands. Corolla 5-lobed, hypocrateriform, tube cylindrical with a constricted hairy throat within. Stamens included, inserted above the middle of the tube, filaments short with lanceolate anthers. Disc absent or present and annular. Carpels free; ovules many, biseriate in each ovary, style filiform, stigma usually with somewhat membranous reflexed structure, globose. Follicle erect, cylindrical. Seeds many oblong, subterete compressed, truncate or winged with oblong cotyledons.