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Saudi Arabia flora checklist
Family: Plantaginaceae
Annual or perennial herbs ofter with short non-flowering basal shoots. Leaves opposite or verticellate, upper usually alternate, sessile, simple, entire. Flowers in terminal racemes, spikes or congested head-like. Calyx deeply 5-lobed with almost equal, rarely subequal lobes. Corolla bilabiate, personate, spurred at base, glabrous accept for the plate; upper lip 2-lobed, lower 3-lobbed, with a prominent palate. Stamens 4, didynamous, included. Capsule globose to ovoid, dehiscing by 4-6 apical vertical slits or tooth-like valves. Seeds numerous, ovoid to prismatic, variously scuplpted or discoid with membranous or fimbriate wing-like margin.
It includes c. 150 species of which 6 or more are represented in Saudi Arabia.