Tephrosia desertorum Scheele
Tephrosia desertorum Scheele
Slender, erect, annual, appressed-pubescent herb branching from base. Stems up to c. 20 cm tall, sparsely branched, herbaceous. Leaves up to c. 65 mm long; petiole short, up to c. 15 mm long; stipules small, narrow-linear, setaceous, free to base; leaflets 7- 13, in lax pairs, oblanceolate to cuneate, usually the terminal larger, 10-17 x 5-7 mm, appressed-pubescent on both sides, obtuse to emarginate. Inflorescence pedunculate, up to 10 cm long, 5-7-flowered pseudoracemes. Flowers shortly pedicelled, deep rosy red, c. 8 mm long. Calyx densely appressed-pubescent. Standard densely hairy on the back like the calyx. Stigma penicillate. Pods deflexed or spreading, appressed- pubescent, up to 35 x 3 mm, with a short beak.
Saudi Arabia : Western region. Type from near Jeddah
Distribution : Ethiopia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia.