Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) A.DC.
Annual herb or perennial branched herb, up to 40 cm tall
Stem: erect or ascending, much branched from the base, with strong red roots, densely covered with white bristles.
Leaves: alternate, simple, without stipules, sessile; blade linear-lanceolate, 1.5–8 cm × 0.2–1 cm, apex acute to obtuse, margin entire.
Inflorescence: spike-like, consisting of terminal, short and dense scorpioid cymes, simple or forked; bracts leaf-like.
Flowers: sessile, bisexual, regular, 5-merous; calyx deeply divided, lobes 5–8 mm long, unequal, hardly accrescent in fruit; corolla tubular, 8–16 mm long, yellow, tube hairy inside, lobes small; stamens inserted at about the middle of the corolla tube, filaments c. 0.5 mm long, anthers 1.5 mm; ovary superior, 4-lobed, style c. 1 cm long, 2-lobed, each lobe ending in a reniform stigma.
Fruit: consisting of 4 pyramidal nutlets up to 2 mm long, ventrally keeled, granulose to smooth, grey to yellow-brown.
Distribution: N. & E. Africa, Arabia, Pakistan. . is confined to tropical Africa, the Mediterranean region and the Himalayas.