♦ Limonium Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. 4. 1754.
Statice Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 274. 1753, nom. rej
Herbs or shrublets, stems often suppressed and forming caudex. Leaves alternate, often crowded into sessile rosettes, less often spaced along stems. Inflorescences usually much branched, often flat-topped, rarely capitate or spikelike; ultimate branches forming spikes with (1- or)2--13 rarely more distichously arranged spikelets; spikelets 1--5-flowered; bracts distinctly shorter than first bractlet, margin membranous; bractlet margin usually broadly membranous. Calyx funnelform, obconoid, or tubular, base straight or oblique, indistinctly herbaceous along ribs, scarious between ribs; limb scarious, inflated, or expanded, apically 5- or 10-lobed. Corolla basally connate, apically free and expanded. Stamens adnate to corolla base. Ovary obovoid, apex acute. Styles 5, free, glabrous; stigmas elongated to filiform, terete. Capsules obovoid
About 300 species: worldwide