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Saudi Arabia flora checklist
Family: Polygonaceae
♦ Polygonum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 359. 1753; Gen. Pl. ed. 2. 116. 1754 (p.p.); Chaudhary, Fl. Kingd. Saudi Arab. 1: 305. 1999; Boulos, Fl. Egypt 1: 27. 1999.
Annual or perennial, prostrate, subprostrate to erect, branched or simple herbs. Stem 1-many, branched from base or above. Leaves small, linear-lanceolate, ovate or elliptic, sessile-petiolate. Ochreae small, silvery or whitish hyaline membranous, partite or ciliate-lacerate. Inflorescence axillary, few flowered or solitary, or in small clusters. Perianth mostly petaloid, tepals 4-6, elliptic-ovate. Stamens 4-8, filaments short, usually broadened at the base without any interstaminal nectaries. Ovary biconvex or trigonous, small, with 2-3 styles and capitate stigmas. Nuts biconvex or trigonous, dark brown-black, shining.