Senna alexandrina Mill
Senna alexandrina Mill.
Cassia acutifolia Delile
Cassia alexandrina (Garsault) Thell.
Cassia angustifolia M.Vahl
Cassia lanceolata Forssk.
Cassia senna L.
Senna acutifolia (Delile) Batka
Senna alexandrina Garsault
Senna angustifolia (Vahl) Batka
Immediate children
Senna alexandrina var. alexandrina
Senna alexandrina var. obtusata (Brenan) Lock
Herbaceous to woody stemmed shrub up to c. 2 (-3) m tall. Leaves up to c. 12 (-25) cm long; petiole without gland; leaflets up to 6 (-10) pairs, linear-lanceolate to elliptical, up to 6 cm x 5 -10 (-15) mm, acute, mucronate with percurrent midrib. Racemes many-flowered. Sepals greenish yellow to yellow, up to c. 8 mm long, obovate, obtuse. Petals yellow with darker veins, obovate, up to c. 17 mm long. Lower two stamens longer, 5 medium-sized, 2 (3) posterior short, much reduced. Pods compressed, flat, oblong to broadly oval, somewhat curved, 5 cm x 23 mm. Seeds subquardate, up to 6 x 4 mm, reticulately ridged or rugose, shiny green to pale.
Saudi Arabia : Western and southwestern regions.
Distribution : African Red Sea Coast, North Africa, Palestine, Arabia to India.