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Saudi Arabia flora checklist
Limonium pruinosum (L.) Chaz.
Family: PlumbaginaceaeGenus: Limonium
Limonium pruinosum Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 396 (1891).
Synonymy : Statice cylindrifolium Forssk., Limonium pruinosum (L) Kuntze
Perennial herb, densely pruinosum erect, branched, 25-50cm tall, stem brittle covered with greyish scale-like tubercles. Leaves with short petiole, spathulate entire, 0.5-3x0.4 0.7cm, apex rounded. Flowers in scoripoid spike, on leafless branches. Bracts glabrous or hairy, the outer bracts 1x1mm, acute with scarious margines, the inner bracts 2x1.5mm, scarious at the margines and apical parts. Calyx 3.5-4mm, broadly infundibular, strongly 5-nerved from the brown basal short tube to the limb, tubes and viens hairy or glabrous, limb 3.5-4mm wide, scarious spreading, theeth 5, 0.5-1mm . Corolla 4mm, purple. Fruits not seen.