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Saudi Arabia flora checklist
Blepharis saudensis Y. Masrahi, & M. Basahi
Family: AcanthaceaeGenus: Blepharis
Annual or perennial herb, 10–75 cm high, stems erect (sometimes creeping), much-branched from the base, glabrous to pubescent. Leaves pubescent, 3.5–15.2 × 0.3–1.5 cm, oblong-lanceolate to linear, entire; spikes erect, 2.5–14 cm; peduncle 2–7 mm; bracts ovate, pubescent to dense pilose, 1.6–3.6 × 0.5–1 cm, margins with 3–5 pairs of straight spines, 1–6 mm; bracteoles 10–12 mm, linear-subulate to lanceolate, pubescent; calyx pubescent, usually with longer pilose hairs, upper lobe 12–16 mm, ovate-elliptic, lower 9–11 mm, broadly ovate-elliptic; corolla dark blue with darker veins, pubescent, 15–17 mm long, limb 9–12 mm wide, 3-lobed; stamens 8–9 mm long, ovary 2 mm long, glabrous, style 6 mm long with some hairs in the base; capsule 8–9 mm; seeds 4–5.5 × 2.5–4 mm, covered with hygroscopic hairs.
Flowering and fruiting: Mostly December-February.