Hyphaene Gaertn.
Chamaeriphes Dill. ex Kuntze
Cucifera Delile
Doma Lam.
Doma Poir.
Douma Poir.
Dioecious palm with repeatedly forked slender trunk. Leaves palmate, usually deeply lobed. Inflorescence with an empty basal spathe (prophyl) at the base of the main axis and 1-2 tubular bracts above it; axis branched ultimately into flower-bearing apical rhạchillae, with spirally arranged bracts joined at their bases and forming floral pits; flowers borne in the floral pits, the male 3 per pit, and the female 1 per pit. Perianth of 6 lobes in 2 whorls, in male flowers the outer fused and tubular at base and the inner with longer thinner basal tube and the 3 lobes imbricate; stamens 6; pistillode very small. In female flowers the perianth lobes similar, free; staminodes forming a 6-toothed ring; ovary 3-chambered. Fruit usually developing from a single carpel; a drupe.
It includes c. 10 species of which one is found in Saudi Arabia.